Particles, Colors, Music.

Cipher Prime makes games in Philly.

Publisher Competition

Hey everyone!

I have great news! Auditorium is a finalist in 2beegames publisher competition. What does this mean!?! If we win, they give us 10k and a publishing deal. Which means we could have Auditorium on the Playstation 3, XBOX, or Wii soon enough.

BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! For the next couple of weeks there will be voting over at for what games stay in the competition. If you’d like to see us on another platform, please go sign-up on their site then click on the little image in the top-right that says ‘click here to vote for your favorite.’ Right now we’re not doing so hot, because our game hasn’t been working on their site until today. Please help us catch up! Your our only hope!

Thanks sooooooo much!

There are a lot of cool games on the site to checkout, even if you don’t vote it’s worth checking out the other games.