Particles, Colors, Music.

Cipher Prime makes games in Philly.

It’s facelift time. Set your mind on Fire.

We’re at a point now where we’ve seen trends come and pass and we’ve seen different markets rise and fall. It’s a deeply interesting and scary thing to swim in, because we need to constantly reinvent ourselves to stay afloat. And today, we’re unfurling the sails of our new ship.

Welcome to the new home of Cipher Prime. We’re hoping our new site helps people play our games better, faster, harder, and stronger. We find most people who know one of our games have no idea we make others, so we’re hoping we’ve solved that problem! If we didn’t, maybe our homepage can just inspire a few people. In any case, thanks so much for taking a look, and leave us any feedback you can offer!

To celebrate this change, we have decided to make Auditorium ( our first title ) free online for 1 month. If you’d like to play offline, you’ll still need to pony up that sweet $10. Additionally, we’ve added a new page for Auditorium Duet and updated the Splice content to reflect our pending release on PS4 and PS3.  Checkout the new Splice trailer!

Cipher Prime is changing, but we want you to be a part of it. Will is about to embark on a cross-country bicycle trip with some fellow developers. You can follow his development at Dain has a new album coming out called, “Android Soul” that should release within the next few months. As always, you can follow @willstall, @dainsaint, or @cipherprime for more Auditorium Duet and Game Jam footage.

Thanks so much!