Particles, Colors, Music.

Cipher Prime makes games in Philly.

Fractal Blooms on Steam

We drafted it, armed it, made it say goodbye to its sweethearts, and now Fractal is all set to drop on the beaches of Steam as the vanguard of a Cipher Prime invasion!

That’s right, Fractal is our very first title on the Steam Store! It will feature all the tweaks and improvements we added to the game for our Mac Store release, including rebalanced play modes, updated graphics, and improved music and sounds.

So now that Fractal is taking advantage of the convenience of Steam, the fractal-curious out there no longer have any reason to stay in the closet. Get ready to burst out and buy our blooming beautiful game so you can get in on all the hexagon-pushing like the cool kids.

Even Edge Magazine is giving Fractal love, killahz, calling it “a creative and surprisingly prickly form of mental weeding that swiftly becomes a pleasure to lose yourself within.” Pocket Full of Apps described Fractal as a “lush music puzzler” set in “a pulsing kaleidoscopic dreamscape.”

So be sure to check it out! Beginning today. November 29. FractalSteam. PC. Mac. $6.99. No regrets. Thanks everyone!